Next Workshop Starts 3FEB2024!!!

Introducing our all-new, transformative Freight Dispatching Workshops, designed to provide you with hands-on, practical industry skills. No longer a simple course, this program now evolves into an immersive learning journey that combines our comprehensive 5-hour Freight Dispatching Training Video with six dedicated Saturday workshops.

Each workshop is designed to give you real-time interaction, as we delve deep into the nuances of freight dispatching, trucking, marketing, sales, social media marketing, video marketing, social media analytics, and more. Held in intimate groups of only 10 students, these workshops offer an unparalleled opportunity to engage directly with your instructor, ask questions, and gain insights that you can immediately apply in the real world.

But that's not all! Along with these workshops, we offer six 1-on-1, 20-minute mentorship meetings that you can schedule at your convenience. These personalised sessions offer you the chance to discuss specific challenges, seek advice, or simply deepen your understanding of the industry.

This is not just a course, it is a transformational journey offering live, hands-on time with your instructor, designed to empower you with the industry-relevant skills and knowledge you need to excel in the world of freight dispatching.

Don't just learn - experience, engage and evolve with our Freight Dispatching Workshops. Enroll today and take the first step towards a successful career in freight dispatching.

Joining our 6-week Freight Dispatch Coaching and Workshop program offers numerous benefits as opposed to self-directed training programs.

Structured Learning

Our program offers a planned, comprehensive curriculum that guides you step-by-step through the complexities of freight dispatching. In contrast, self-guided programs can leave you feeling overwhelmed and directionless due to the lack of structure.

Personalized Coaching

You'll receive personalized guidance from industry professionals who understand the hurdles you might face. This personalized attention is often lacking in self-directed programs, where you're expected to navigate challenges on your own.

Real-time Interaction

The workshop format enables real-time interaction with coaches and peers, fostering a rich learning environment. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions, get immediate feedback, and learn from others' experiences, which isn't possible in a self-paced training program.

Practical Experience

Our program provides hands-on experience with real-world scenarios, enhancing your learning and confidence. Self-learning programs often lack this practical dimension, making it harder to apply your knowledge in real-world situations.

Ongoing Support

Post-workshop, you'll receive continued support and access to resources, ensuring your transition into the freight dispatching field is smooth. In contrast, self-guided training programs often provide limited post-training support.

Networking Opportunities

Participating in our workshop gives you the chance to network with like-minded individuals and industry professionals, opening doors to future opportunities. However, self-paced training programs often don't offer such opportunities.

Social Media Assistance

Our program also provides assistance with social media marketing, a critical component of modern business success. This additional support is often not available in self-directed training courses.

In essence, our Freight Dispatch Coaching and Workshop program is designed to provide comprehensive, personalized, and interactive learning experiences that prepare you for real-world challenges in the freight dispatching industry.

What You Get

Over 5 Hours of Prerecorded Training

Our program kicks off with over 5 hours of prerecorded freight dispatching training. These sessions have been carefully crafted to cover all the essentials of freight dispatching, providing you with a solid foundation on which to build your business.

6 Weekly Saturday Workshops

Each week, you will have the opportunity to attend a live Saturday workshop. These workshops are a chance for us to review your business, provide guidance and feedback, and help you set achievable goals for the following week. It's a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field and gain insights into the strategies and techniques that drive success in freight dispatching.

6 1-on-1 Coaching Calls

In addition to the wealth of knowledge provided in the freight dispatching workshop, my students will also benefit from six one-on-one 20-minute coaching sessions that they can schedule at their convenience. These personalized sessions offer the unique opportunity to engage in a more focused, in-depth learning experience tailored to their individual needs. They provide a safe space to ask specific questions, address unique concerns, or delve into areas of interest that the broader workshop may not cover. The benefit of this 1-on-1 communication with me, an experienced mentor, cannot be overstated. It allows for direct feedback, personalized guidance, and clarification of complex concepts, which might not always be possible in a group setting. This one-on-one interaction fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter, empowers learners to overcome obstacles, and significantly enhances the overall learning experience.

Personalized Coaching

Throughout the 6 weeks, you'll receive personalized coaching from seasoned freight dispatching experts. We'll be there to monitor your progress, provide feedback, and assist with any challenges you may encounter along the way. Our goal is to ensure you have all the support you need to succeed.

Marketing Expertise

Even if you're not an expert in marketing or sales, there's no cause for concern. Our 6-week Freight Dispatcher Workshop and Coaching Program also delves deep into these crucial subjects. During the workshops, we will comprehensively cover marketing and sales strategies, providing you with the necessary tools and insights to excel in these areas. Our experienced mentors have years of industry knowledge and will guide you through every aspect, breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand segments. This immersive learning experience ensures that you gain a robust understanding of these topics, irrespective of your prior knowledge or experience.

Social Media Assistance

In today's digital world, a strong social media presence is crucial for any business. That's why we also offer social media assistance as part of our program. We'll show you how to use social media to your advantage, attracting new clients and building a strong online presence.

Live Interaction Opportunities

Every Saturday, you'll have the chance to meet with the coach. It's not just about getting trained; it's about walking through every step of the journey in real-time. You'll receive insights, strategies, and advice tailored specifically to your business and your goals.

Why Choose Us?

Our 6-Week Freight Dispatcher Workshop and Coaching Program goes beyond standard training. We don't just teach you the basics of freight dispatching; we guide you through the process of building and growing your business. We understand the challenges you may face, and we're here to provide the support and guidance you need to overcome them.

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your career. Sign up today and let us help you navigate the path to success. We look forward to welcoming you to our program and being a part of your journey in the freight dispatching industry.

Workshop vs Training

In traditional training programs, a staggering number of students encounter failure, largely due to the absence of a guiding mentor. Without a seasoned professional to guide them, these students are left to navigate the complex freight dispatching landscape alone. Unlike a self-paced, isolated learning environment, our 6-week Freight Dispatcher Workshop and Coaching Program provides an immersive, workshop-like setting, where an experienced mentor walks students through each step. This proven mentorship model ensures that learners are not left in the dark and reduces the likelihood of failure by providing continuous support, real-time feedback, and practical, hands-on training.